Qhov txawv ntawm CPT code 44141 thiab 44143 yog dab tsi?
Qhov txawv ntawm CPT code 44141 thiab 44143 yog dab tsi?

Txoj cai 44143 muaj 36.20 RVUs thiab Txoj Cai 44141 muaj 31.98 RVUs raws li daim ntawv them nqi kho mob Medicare, uas tseem siv los ntawm ntau tus neeg them nyiaj. Raws li Medicare qhov nruab nrab qhov kev tso cai uas txhais ua kwv yees li $ 160 sib txawv hauv tus kws kho mob them nyiaj nruab nrab cov cov cai.

Zoo ib yam tuaj yeem nug, CPT tus lej rau Sigmoidectomy yog dab tsi?

Raws li Laparoscopic Excision Procedures on the Intestines (except Rectum) Cov Txheej Txheem Txheej Txheem Tam Sim No ( CPT ) chaws 44204 raws li tswj hwm los ntawm American Medical Association, yog txheej txheem kho mob chaws nyob rau hauv qhov ntau - Laparoscopic Excision Procedures on the Intestines (Tsuas yog Rectum).

Ib yam nkaus, dab tsi yog CPT txoj cai rau kev rho tawm colectomy?: Cov neeg them nyiaj tuaj yeem sib txawv hauv qhov nqi uas lawv yuav lees txais rau rooj plaub no, tab sis rau cov neeg them nyiaj lag luam, cov hauv qab no coding zoo tshaj plaws sawv cev rau cov kev pabcuam muab: 44140-52 - Collectomy , ib nrab; nrog anastomosis (Cov kev pabcuam txo).

Ib tus tseem yuav nug, CPT tus lej rau colectomy yog dab tsi?

Yog qhov no tib yam txheej txheem tau ua laparoscopically, qhov tseeb chaws kev tshaj tawm yuav yog 44208, Laparoscopy, phais; colectomy , ib nrab, nrog anastomosis, nrog coloproctostomy (qis pelvic anastomosis) nrog colostomy.

Yuav ua li cas yog ib qho me me subcutaneous colectomy?

Thaum tshem tag nrho cov nyuv, qhov no hu ua tag nrho colectomy , tseem hu ua Lane's Operation. Yog tias lub qhov quav tseem raug tshem tawm, nws yog tag nrho cov proctocolectomy. Subtotal colectomy yog kev tshem tawm ib feem ntawm txoj hnyuv lossis kev tshem tawm ntawm txhua txoj hnyuv uas tsis tau ua tiav txoj hnyuv loj.

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